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Best Cosmetic Packaging Ideas 2021 – Sustainable And Recyclable Cosmetic Box Design Ideas

1,387 views Published by October 20, 2021

Nowadays, recyclable, sustainable, or other innovative cosmetic packaging are increasingly asking for it. How to look for these sustainable and recyclable choices? At luxurypaperbox.com, we want to go through the best cosmetic box packaging innovations 2021 with you.

We’re seeing some great innovations from multiple suppliers around the world, we’re also seeing some innovations in the area of refillable cosmetic packaging, and we’re also seeing some larger brands, in particular, make a recycling packaging commitment within a certain time frame. So the news is all good, and it’s definitely heading in the right direction. Today, we want to introduce you to some innovative types of packaging plastics, as well as go through the benefits and choices you have when wanting to select innovative packaging concepts.


Cosmetic Packaging Ideas 1

The first one we want to introduce you to is biodegradable plastic in a very short time frame. What’s the big difference? When you’re using plastic packaging, it will normally take a hundred years plus in a landfill to degrade completely. This packaging here by comparison has been shown to biodegrade in landfills within six to ten years, completely gone, with no resins, no microplastics, and no trace of this packaging again. This particular biodegradable packaging is available in all sorts of plastic forms. Your pet, your ldpe, your hdpe, even pp, so you can get tubes, bottles, jars, and much more. There’s a biodegradable option, biodegradable within six to ten years, not only you can get beautiful clarity, but also you can screen print directly onto it.


Cosmetic Packaging Ideas 2

The next innovation is the PCR tubes. Pcr stands for post-consumer resin or more commonly known as post-consumer recycled plastics. They have this available as a 50 PCR recycled option in tubes or a 30 option that can be used for bottles as HDPE. One of the great things about using PCR materials is that they perform, look, feel everything exactly as the non-recycled version. But you can get part of the material as the recycled version.


So you’re saving some of the materials that would otherwise go into landfills and turning them into another bottle or tube. These can come in a variety of colors they can be screened printed onto, they will look and perform exactly like the non-recycled versions. But you’ve got the benefit of letting your consumers know that you have recycled materials in this packaging with the same beautiful texture color and ability to have all sorts of colors or screen printing applied to your packaging.


​Cosmetic Packaging Ideas 3

Next is sugarcane bioplastic and this comes 100 from sugarcane. It’s a great way of using crops that have a fast turnover to create plastic tubes. These come as LDPE or HDPE or can be a blended option of both. They can also come as single-layer or five-layer tubes. So they’re very durable, quite sturdy, and you can get all sorts of different lid options for the presentation of the product as well. These come in a variety of Pantone colors, and they can also be screened printed onto as well. Another great thing about sugarcane bioplastics is they are completely recyclable, so not only are we sourcing the materials from sugarcane, which is very easy to replace crops. But we’re then able to recycle the plastic that’s created for future tubes from a sugar cane derivative in the first place.


Cosmetic Packaging Ideas 4

Another fantastic innovation is ocean waste packaging. So what they do is source the old ropes or old ocean waste from fishnets or trolls. Then they break that right down, and then they can create plastics. One of the features about this is you compare it to sugarcane bioplastic which is a very high-quality opaque type of packaging or even PCR which is the non-recycled version. These have a fantastic flick that occurs, furthermore, this can’t be avoided, but you would from dealing with a lot of your consumers that want more natural products. They like to see a flick in their packaging, it’s a way of them knowing that this is recycled or upcycled. These are HDPE tubes, they will look and perform and feel just like your other HDPE plastics.


They have up to 50 ocean plastic waste used to create plastic tubes. They’re available in an assortment of colors, and you can screen print directly onto them. You will still achieve that great natural flick to the packaging. It’s a great advantage to have in your recycled packaging because it lets your consumer see this really is the real deal and there are recycled materials in here. It’s a great natural look as well, and they are also fully recyclable. We’re upcycling the ocean waste, we’re turning them into useful packaging, and then they can be recycled to be used again.


In the end, these are some examples of the packaging innovations coming from world trade packaging in particular. There are multiple suppliers around the world with their innovations too, so you can ask for biodegradable, Pcr, sugarcane bioplastic, ocean waste plastic and there may be some other innovative materials they’re using in other parts of the world so that you can let your consumers know you really do care and help the environment in the process.